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QUTy Development Board

QUTy is a development board based on the Microchip ATtiny1626 AVR microcontroller. It is designed specifically to teach microcontroller programming in the course CAB202 Microprocessors and Digital Systems.

QUTy development board


For further detail, please refer to the QUTy-V01 schematic.

Development environment

Development for the QUTy is supported via PlatformIO. We recommend using the PlatformIO IDE for VSCode which is available for Windows, MacOS, and Linux.


  1. Install the Git client on your system. For Windows users using an installer, the default installation options may be used.
  2. Install Visual Studio Code.
  3. Install the PlatformIO IDE extension for VSCode.
  4. Install the QUTy platform via:

     PlatformIO Home > Platforms > Advanced Installation >

    If VSCode was running during the installation of git, you may need to restart VSCode first.

    QUTy platform installation

  5. Create a PlatformIO project and configure the QUTy platform by creating a platformio.ini file:

     platform = quty
     board = QUTy

    or, open an existing project in a workspace in VSCode:

     File > Open Folder

    Ensure that platformio.ini is present in the root of the workspace by checking the file tree in the Explorer tab.

    The PlatformIO IDE extension will automatically configure a project for the QUTy platform, when this file is present.

  6. Communicating with the QUTy may require Silicon Labs CP210x Virtual COM Port (VCP) drivers to be installed on your system.


A number of example projects are available as part of the platform. These can be accessed via:

PlatformIO Home > Platforms > QUTy > Examples


QUTy is designed and maintained by the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), based in Brisbane Australia. Please direct enquiries to

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